Experienced Surgical Care

Our veterinarians perform a wide range of common surgical procedures in East Sacramento Veterinary Center’s top-notch surgical suite.
Spaying female pets and neutering male pets can actually prevent your pet from developing certain cancers, along with the obvious benefits of reducing your pet’s desire to roam and controlling the overall pet population.
We also perform soft tissue surgeries, which don’t involve joints or bones. If your pet does require an orthopedic procedure to repair a bone or joint, we will bring in a board-certified surgeon to care for your pet in our facility, so that you don’t have to go elsewhere.
Common procedures we perform include:
- Spay/neuter
- Splenectomy
- Gastrotomy
- Mass removals
- Cystotomy
- Enterotomy
Safety First
Keeping your pet safe is our number one priority. We monitor every surgery patient at all times. A dedicated technician will keep track of your pet’s blood pressure, pulse oxygen, temperature, and CO2. We will also administer IV fluids to keep your pet's blood pressure stable and to ensure the distribution of oxygen and nutrients to your pet’s vital organs.
After Your Pet’s Procedure
Any surgery requires appropriate after-care to minimize discomfort and promote healing. We will provide you with thorough instructions for taking care of your pet once he or she is home, and, when needed, we’ll send your pet home with any necessary pain medication.
We welcome any questions you might have about our surgical capabilities and your pet’s condition. Please contact us anytime to discuss your pet’s needs.