Yikes! How to Keep Your Pet Safe From Snakes at Home

Most people accept wild snakes as the interesting reptiles they are, and respect their place on the food chain. Few could argue with the fact that snakes help maintain the natural balance.
Despite being generally appreciated, snakes are not widely welcomed into people’s homes. In fact, many of us can only value them as long as they stay in their own habitats. They may not be looking for trouble, but they can be extremely dangerous to curious, protective, and territorial pets. Keep your pet safe from snakes with our tried and true tips.
Setting the Scene
A good rule of thumb for snake safety at home is to keep the yard and surrounding property as pristine as possible.
- Trim the grass regularly to help with snake visibility
- Remove any piles of wood or other debris that may attract rodents. Snakes are motivated by potential food sources. If you leave food out for your pet, the food may attract mice which, in turn, draw snakes toward the house.
- Minimize bird feeders and birdhouses on your property.
- Pick up any fallen fruit.
- Remember that as cold blooded animals, snakes enjoy cool, shady coverings to hang out in, but also relish sunny spots. It’s not uncommon for snakes to enter basements or crawl spaces. Seal up windows and doors with secure weather stripping.
What Do I Do?
The majority of snakes in our area are not venomous, but that doesn’t mean they won’t bite your pet. Also, it only takes one rattlesnake encounter to create a highly dangerous situation.
Despite your best efforts at keeping your pet safe from snakes at home, they can still find a way in. When this happens, do your best to stay calm.
If your pet is bitten by a snake at home, do not wait to see if they will develop symptoms. Please call us for immediate help.
Suspicious Signs
It’s possible that some encounters between pets and snakes go unnoticed. In this case, always be on the lookout for uncharacteristic behavior and the following symptoms:
- Vomiting
- Shaking
- Wobbly legs
- Lethargy
- Breathing difficulties
- Collapse
- Bleeding from an obvious snake bite
Is My Pet Safe From Snakes?
Being able to identify snakes is super helpful toward understanding whether or not your pet suffered a venomous bite. Sometimes, however, even venomous snakes like rattlesnakes can deliver a “dry bite”, or a non-venomous bite. Either way, getting your pet the help they need as quickly as possible is one of the best ways to keep your pet safe from snakes.
As always, if you need more information about your pet’s health and safety, our team is always here for you at East Sacramento Veterinary Center.