5 Common Pet Health Problems and How to Prevent Them

Puppy and kitten with veterinarian.

Here at East Sacramento Veterinary Center, we love spreading the word about the importance of preventive care. But we know that pet health issues can happen despite those annual wellness appointments. That’s part of preventive care, after all—it doesn’t just help your pet avoid health issues. It also helps us catch them early if your pet does develop them. So, what are the most common pet health problems to look out for? 

Here are 5 common conditions we see at our clinic.  


Ways to Help Deal with Pet Obesity

Cute cat on scale.

Your dog has never met a food he didn’t like. He’s always on the lookout for tasty table scraps. He has also been known to snatch several hors d’oeuvres off a cocktail tray when he gets the chance. Until now, you’ve just laughed at your dog’s gluttonous behavior. However, your family’s food hound has recently begun to show signs of pet obesity. At East Sacramento Veterinary Center, we want to help him get back on track.


Let’s Play! Popular Pet Toys

East Sacramento dog with pet toy

Whether you’ve just adopted a pet and are looking to spoil them with new toys, or are shopping for your four-legged friend’s Christmas (or birthday!) presents, it will come as no surprise that there is no shortage of pet toys to choose from! 

But what to choose? Will your kitty actually play with that adorable unicorn feather wand? Or will it just sit in the corner as they bat around the receipt from your purchase? Will your dog really play with the interactive treat puzzle? Or will he ignore it in favor of his favorite tennis ball? While there is no way to tell for sure, you can certainly up your odds by opting for these popular pet toys!
