Consistency Counts: Maintaining Flea and Tick Defense 365 Days a Year

dog scratching in fall.

We live in a “fix it” society, which means we typically only address problems when they happen. The problem with this is, of course, it’s typically more expensive to solve issues than prevent them from occurring. This is certainly the case with pets and the parasites that feed off them. Not only is it more cost-effective to establish and maintain year-round prevention, a consistent approach to parasites promotes overall health and wellness


Pet Allergies: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Puppy scratching himself.

Has your pet been scratching, licking, or biting herself a lot lately? She might be dealing with pet allergies. Our dogs and cats can experience the same over-reactive immune systems that we do when we come into contact with certain allergens. The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center would like to share the common reasons for allergic reactions in pets. We’ll also help you know what symptoms to watch out for—and share how we can help manage your pet’s allergies. 


Tick Removal: What You Need to Know

Sacramento dog has ticks.

If your dog or cat spends any time outdoors, checking for ticks should be an important daily task that you practice. Ticks are dangerous and can pose a threat to humans and pets alike, causing thousands of tick-borne illnesses and infections every year. While ticks can be more active during the summer, some kinds of ticks are active year-round! 

Finding and removing ticks can be an unpleasant experience. Luckily, the team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center is here to help with these important tips you need to know about tick removal:  


My Pet Has Fleas! How You Can Help

Sacramento dog scratching fleas.

Fleas are nasty little parasites that can bite and suck blood, which leads to itching and discomfort for your pet. They can cause diseases and can even bite humans! To keep their pets and loved ones safe and healthy, every pet owner should familiarize themselves with the signs and symptoms of a flea infestation. 

What can start out as excessive itching and scratching can turn into hair loss and major irritation for your dog or cat. The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center has put together some ways to identify if fleas have made their home in your pet’s fur (or elsewhere in your household), and how to get rid of them. 


Is Your Dog’s Heartworm Testing Up to Date

Sacramento dog with heartworm.

With the coming of the spring and summer seasons comes an influx of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous vectors of disease and carry some of the most dangerous zoonosis, including heartworm disease. Because of this, it is critical to maintain your dog’s heartworm testing each year and keep them on a monthly preventive. 

East Sacramento Veterinary Center wants to give you an overview of heartworm disease in pets so you know why screening is an essential tool in detecting this serious parasitic disease. 


The Terrible Trio: Fleas, Ticks, and Mosquitoes 

A happy dog sitting outside

There is nothing better than the weather come spring in Sacramento; unfortunately, the bugs think so, too. Just as soon as we are ready to grill, go camping, or do yard work, do we find ourselves fretting about the insect world. And for good reason. Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes can be the bane of time spent outside.

But these pesky ones can also be harbingers of disease and illness, as well as infestation, when they are able to thrive. Learn more about these parasites and ways you can keep you and your furry one protected.

The Tiny Flea

The flea is a small, flightless insect that is a part of the order Siphonaptera. Fleas transmit illness through their bite. They feed on warm-blooded hosts, which includes the family pet. Fleas may be small, but they are one of the most prevalent carriers of disease across the world. And once you have them, the infestation is hard to get rid of without resorting to chemicals. 
