Hot Dog! 10 Ways to Ensure Your Canine Companion Stays Cool in Summer

pet playing outdoors.

During the dog days of summer, the heat, humidity, and intense rays can take a toll on our fur-covered friends, but fun in the sun with your canine companion is completely doable as long as you practice our team’s tips for keeping hot dogs cool and safe!


Safe and Sound: Tips for Soothing Anxious Pets During Fireworks

dog cuddling with stuffed animal.

Research indicates that up to 50% of all dogs feel fear during firework displays. Associated behaviors may include pacing, restlessness, shaking, vocalizing, or hiding. What’s worse, with little-to-no supervision or support, stressed pets may try to flee as a way to find peace, comfort, or security. With no frame of reference for what’s happening, pets become triggered by the unpredictable, discordant sounds of the Fourth of July. With our tips, you can protect and soothe the pain of a worried pet. 


Common Health Issues in Aging Pets

Senior Golden Retriever.

Many pets inch their way toward old age without any obvious markers of the process. That doesn’t mean they don’t sometimes suffer from common age-related issues, however. With routine examinations and disease screenings, we can help pet owners stay in front of the most likely scenarios that often mark a pet’s senior years. The result is that early detection increases the effectiveness of possible treatment, but a heightened awareness of common health issues in aging pets can add to their vitality and day-to-day comfort, as well.


Pet Insurance:  Is It Right for You?

dog with pet insurance sign.

Finances are an unfortunate part of veterinary medicine. Specialized technology, the latest medications, ongoing education, and advanced facilities all come at a cost. But who doesn’t want the absolute best for their pet? For some people, pet health insurance can hold some answers, but it ultimately comes down to what is right for you and your furry family. The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center is here to help you consider all aspects of pet insurance. 


How to Keep Your Pets Safe in East Sacramento’s Hot Summer Weather

dog drinking from water bottle.

Sacramento summers sizzle, and while you’re beating the heat by the pool, don’t forget to protect your furry friends from the perils of heat-related pet illnesses. Read on for cool-down strategies for pets from our caring team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center. 


How to Handle Pet Anxiety During Firework Season in East Sacramento

anxious dog under sofa.

Firework season is upon us, which means that your pet’s anxiety might shoot through the roof in the coming days. It’s easy to see why when you put yourself in your pup’s paws. Fireworks are unpredictable. They’re loud. They come from an unknown source. For all your dog or cat knows, they’re a sign of terrible danger. So how can you ensure pet safety during a fireworks display in your area? The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center shares 3 tips to reduce pet stress during the firework season.


How Common Is Sneezing in Cats?

Sick cat.

If you’ve started to lovingly refer to your cat as “Sneezy,” it’s a good idea to have them examined. While cat sneezing is not usually a reason to be overly concerned, frequent and unexplained episodes definitely warrant a veterinary visit and examination. This is especially true if they are repeatedly sneezing and also show other uncharacteristic or out of the blue symptoms.


How to Prepare For Your Pet’s Next Wellness Exam

Cute puppy and kitten at veterinarian.

It’s highly relatable to only remember important questions after an anticipated meeting or appointment–like your pet’s annual wellness exam. We’ve all been there! In response, we try to cover as much ground as possible during every wellness exam. Owner questions and concerns are among our top priorities, but pet care topics are nothing if not expansive. Getting the most out of your pet’s next wellness exam is easy when you have time to prepare your notes and observations.
