Pet-Friendly Halloween Treats

Candy corn, bite-sized Snickers, and Tootsie Rolls might taste great to us, but they should never be shared with our animal companions, no matter how much they might beg us for a sample! This Halloween, the team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center reminds all pet families to keep Halloween pet safety top of mind when planning for a season of tricks and treats.
Your pet can join in the fun safely with the following tips for finding (or making your own) pet-friendly Halloween treats.
For those Who Love to Shop
Create a pet-friendly treat bowl using a variety of limited-edition Halloween products available from pet food manufacturers this time of year. All you have to do is stroll through the pet aisles or visit your favorite online store, and you’ll find plenty of pumpkin-flavored pet treats and “cookies” made into Halloween shapes, among other tasty finds. You can even purchase fun-sized packages made for handing out to your favorite furry trick or treaters on beggar’s night!
Delicious DIY Options
You know your pet’s taste better than anyone, and making your own pet treats gives you the freedom to customize your pet’s confectionary concoctions to suit his specific taste. Does your cat prefer tuna over sardines? Or perhaps he likes his treats kind of cheesy! And does your dog dig peanut butter? Or is he more into fro-yo? Simply peruse Pinterest, YouTube, and other DIY sites for Halloween pet treats you can make yourself using just a few simple ingredients. Just be certain that any ingredients you use (particularly peanut butter) are xylitol-free.
Hidden Dangers in People Foods
Foods that are safe for us are not necessarily safe for our pets, and many traditional Halloween candies contain ingredients that pose serious threats to the health of our animal companions.
Never share your Halloween candies with your pets. Keep the candy bowl up high, and warn any youngsters that sharing candy with pets is a no-no.
Common candies and ingredients that are dangerous or toxic to pets include:
- Chocolate
- Nuts and raisins
- Xylitol (used as a sweetener)
- Lollipop sticks
- Chewing gum (may contain xylitol)
- Sugar-free peanut butter (may contain xylitol)
What to Do if Your Pet Eats Candy
If you suspect that your cat or dog has eaten some of your Halloween candy, please contact us immediately for instructions on what to do next. It is important to act fast, and we can help you determine if your pet needs medical treatment.
As always, the compassionate team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center is here to answer any questions you have about safe holiday snacking for your pets.