Common Health Issues in Aging Pets

Senior Golden Retriever.

Many pets inch their way toward old age without any obvious markers of the process. That doesn’t mean they don’t sometimes suffer from common age-related issues, however. With routine examinations and disease screenings, we can help pet owners stay in front of the most likely scenarios that often mark a pet’s senior years. The result is that early detection increases the effectiveness of possible treatment, but a heightened awareness of common health issues in aging pets can add to their vitality and day-to-day comfort, as well.


Aging Gracefully: Senior Pet Care and Health

An aging dog with a happy smile.

If you have pets, chances are good that you’ll be taking care of them well into their golden years. Thankfully, pets are living longer and healthier lives these days, in part due to better pet nutrition and advances in veterinary care. But if you’ve noticed a little grey around your pet’s muzzle lately, you may be wondering how to keep your senior pet healthy. 

It’s important to remember that aging pets need a few adjustments to their environment to keep them feeling their best. Still, age is not a disease, and senior pets can and do live active, happy, and pain-free lives well into their late teens and twenties. Your veterinarian can help make this happen. 

Read on to find out how! 
