Canine Corn Chips: Why Your Dog’s Paws Smell Weird

Sacramento CA dog with frito feet

If you have ever been close to your pet’s feet, you may have gotten a whiff of something unusual. Did the aroma remind you of something? Like a favorite corn chip snack? Yes, that’s right. Many dog owners ask us why their pets’ paws smell like Fritos or corn chips. There are some reasons for this case of Frito feet.

If you have wondered why your dog’s paws smell weird, you are in luck. The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center is here to explain this strange l scent phenomenon. 


Feline Preferences: Should You Build a Catio?

A cat sitting out by a netting

Just when you thought your cat couldn’t get any cuter, they roll over to show you their belly or scamper across the house just to greet you. 

Without a doubt, there are few things better than a happy cat. Cat owners are especially savvy at providing toys, treats, and activities to make their cat happy, but we don’t always hit the bull’s eye. And when it comes to voicing their likes and dislikes, many felines are, most certainly, effective communicators. 

If you have ever wondered if you should build a catio to make your feline extra content, we have a few tips to get started.


Mission Impossible: Effective Ways to House Train Your Dog

A puppy outdoors on a harness

Raising a puppy, or even an adult dog who hasn’t learned the ropes, is one of the most challenging (yet rewarding!) things you can do. This early instruction helps them become well behaved, confident adults who have the skills it takes to be happy and at ease in their environment. Unfortunately, the first few weeks of getting a pup to understand where to do their business can be tough.

Your friends at East Sacramento Veterinary Center understands how difficult it can be to house train your dog, which is why we’ve put together our expert tips and tricks aimed at helping you and your pup succeed. Let’s get started!


Yikes! How to Keep Your Pet Safe From Snakes at Home

A dog sniffing after a snake

Most people accept wild snakes as the interesting reptiles they are, and respect their place on the food chain. Few could argue with the fact that snakes help maintain the natural balance. 

Despite being generally appreciated, snakes are not widely welcomed into people’s homes. In fact, many of us can only value them as long as they stay in their own habitats. They may not be looking for trouble, but they can be extremely dangerous to curious, protective, and territorial pets. Keep your pet safe from snakes with our tried and true tips.


Do You Know How to Keep Your Pet Safe From Snakes?

Sacramento dog with snake for pet safety

Snake encounters are just a part of life in California, and yet, few of us are truly primed to handle them. 

While people may go out of our way to avoid snakes,, a pet’s predatory instincts may be triggered if they detect unexpected movement or sound in their immediate environment. Unbeknownst to the pets in hot pursuit of an unknown intruder, snakes have amazing defense mechanisms, including painful, venomous bites. 

Every year, approximately 150,000 venomous snake bites occur every year in cats and dogs. Some cases are fatal, but not all bites contain venom (known as “dry bites”). This is hardly consoling for a pet owner that simply wants to keep their pet safe from snakes.


Making a Splash: Diving Into Dog Swimming Safety

Can this dog swim?

Whether you are chilling with your dog poolside or heading to the beach with your four-legged friend, water safety is a must for everyone. Many dog owners make the mistake of assuming their dogs are adept swimmers naturally, but this is not always the case. Accidents around bodies of water are common, and this is prime season for these incidents to occur.

Swimming with your fur pal can be safe and enjoyable with a little planning. The team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center is here with some dog swimming safety tips for you to dive into.

Get to Know Your Dog’s Ability in the Water

Even if your pet is a Labrador Retriever, you should never dunk your dog in a pool or body of water before knowing they are comfortable. Acclimate your pet to water first by starting in a shallow body of water, getting in with them to make them feel safe. Splash around together and throw something they want to retrieve, like a floatable toy, and observe how they swim.


The Unpredictable Nature of Pet Anxiety, All Summer Long

Sacramento dog with pet anxiety

We definitely seem to be lacking in certainty these days; but some things do seem to persist no matter what. Most notably (in this instance, at least), is pet anxiety – especially during the summer months.

All but guaranteed to spike around the Fourth of July, a pet’s fear, doubt, stress and yes, anxiety, can have serious health ramifications for your floofer. Be prepared to reduce potential triggers and minimize long-lasting effects so you can better soothe your pet until the threat passes.

Fireworks and Your Pet

The unpredictability and ear-splitting loudness of fireworks can have disastrous consequences for pets. Since pets cannot make sense of the noise, they tend to fear the worst. Again, be sure that your pet cannot escape or run away in fright, or hide in hard to reach places. 


It’s Like a Heat Wave: Keeping Your Pet Safe During the Summer

Pet safety: Sacramento dog drinking water

The long, hot days of summer can take a toll on everyone, including our animal friends. As the temperatures rise, it’s important to understand how to protect your pet from heat, humidity, and intense UV. In areas that are prone to occasional power outages, this can become a dangerous mix. 

Summer, however, is also a great time to get out and enjoy fresh air and sunny days with your four-legged friend. That said, the team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center is here to provide some tips on keeping your pet safe during the summer. 

The Basics of Summer Pet Safety

There are few key elements of summer safety that can be implemented by any pet owner. Using some caution, you can continue to exercise, play, and enjoy some relaxation outdoors  with your best friend. Keeping your pet cool is a matter of following these simple tips.


Payment Options and Wellness Plans for Our Pet Patients

A dog and their human playing

There are times in everyone’s life when we are uncertain or have financial constraints. This reality, however, shouldn’t keep your pet from having the good health and happiness they deserve. 

Your team at East Sacramento Veterinary Center understands that veterinary care can come at a significant cost. We want to work with our pet families by creating a better awareness of payment options and wellness plans that are affordable and work with every budget. Ensuring that all of our beloved patients get the right care and treatment necessary for them to thrive is our top priority!

Keeping Your Pet’s Wellness a Priority Through Payment Options

Whether there is a job loss or other financial set-back, the unfortunate reality is that pet veterinary care is put on the back-burner. But this can harm a pet’s general health, especially if they already have an illness or condition that impacts their life.


Snake Bites and the Rattlesnake Vaccine for Dogs

rattlesnake vaccine

The spring season is definitely something to celebrate, especially for those of us who like to hike with our dogs. Getting out into nature with our pawed pals is something we cherish when the weather warms. And no doubt, it is great for our health and the health of our pets. But there is also something else that comes with the season – snakes.

This is the time of year when most wildlife emerges, including baby critters, and of course, cold blooded reptiles who thrive in the sun. This season sees a spike in the number of animal emergencies related to snake bites, about 150,000 bites to cats and dogs each year. To keep your pet safe this season, we are here to give you the snake safety and rattlesnake vaccine information you need.
